Originally posted by path914:
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by Marky:

MTL is not cherry red, are you sure? Have you been using ATF?

We just did a fluid change on an SVT this weekend, no red color at all in the MTL we drained, and definately no red color in the fresh MTL we filled it with. No red color in the MTL I filled my SVT with in May.

FYI MTL has a pinkish redish hue to it when new. When slightly used it turns into a brownish/black red.

I've never experienced that. The fluid that Marky and I changed last weekend came out a medium amber color, just a smidge darker than the new MTL we put back in.

The Redline MTL that was in my car was very much a dark cherry red, almost a claret. If I hadn't known it was transmission fluid, I might have suspected it to be quite tasty. Seriously, it looked like cherry cough syrup.

"Think of it, if you like, as a librarian with a G-string under the tweed." Clarkson on the Mondeo.