Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Originally posted by Y2KSVT:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
Who cares?! If the MTL blows it up...fix it and don't use MTL again. Live and learn. I really hope that I stop posting on this forum. I'm beg to hate it.

Pete, I don't think I've read one post from you in this thread that's made any sense. YOU had what APPEARS to be a bad encounter with MTL fluid. Quite a few people on here that have ran the SAME fluid are stating that they've had ZERO problems. See where the dilemma lies? Can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that MTL gunked up your trans?


Mark. How can you disprove it?! How?! There was NO other fluid run it. Not one post from you has made sense throughout this entire thread.

You have this backwards, IMO. You're making a wild claim and saying "Prove me wrong."

All we know for sure is that TH opened a tranny and found crap inside. He's been honest about his findings.

We also know that neighborhoods with more telephone poles have a higher crime rate. Should we ban telephone poles? I say the poles are causing crime. You need to prove me wrong.

My point is we have, at best, a weak correlation between MTL and sludge, and between sludge and MTX failure. Correlation does not, in itself, imply causality. IOW, just because two things occur together, does not mean that one thing is the cause of the other.

Function before fashion. '96 Contour SE "Toss the Contour into a corner, and it's as easy to catch as a softball thrown by a preschooler." -Edmunds, 1998