I think the whole Dynojet V Mustang Dyno thing is quite old. Who cares? I like Greg's philosphy. Dyno numbers are just for guys who like to measure each other's penis. The track is where it counts.

You know what a 1000hp Supra and a 600hp Supra have in common?

Originally posted by scottd60:
Originally posted by RandyCSVT:
I went to Coastal Dyno in Tampa. Everybody says great things about this shop, and I trust that he really knows what he is doing. He said his mustang dyno could give you the usual mustang numbers(lower than dyno jet) or he could adjust it to dynojet numbers. He mentioned something about mustang dyno's giving loaded numbers that were more accurate but lower. He recommended I go with the adjusted numbers, because that is what most dyno's give and would make for a better comparison.

Randy, can you ask them what the % of correction they use? Just curious since in the example warmonger said 5% and my Mustang Dyno numbers convert over almost exactly to your numbers Not much difference in our mods except your Chip and my Max-Flow Extrude Hone UIM for the most part. While just a speculation/guess on warmonger's part 5% seems to be pretty darn close

Originally posted by warmonger:
Those are great numbers and they are not in debate. Evidently the wisdom of trying to directly compare the dynojet to the mustang IS though.

Well, when dynoject is everywhere and most of the standards are done on dynojet then this is what you get.

I agree...Dynojet's are everywhere mainly do to cost and portability for the most part. Plus show's need to produce big numbers to draw the crowd into dynoing their cars. Still funny how the majority brags the Dynojet numbers and rags on the Mustang numbers and now Dynojet is getting on the Mustang load dynos bandwagon with their new latest and greatest model 224xLC http://www.dynojet.com/automotive_dyno/224xLC_dyno/index.php Eddy Current Load Absorption Unit, Torque Cell, and dynamic load control software. Perform loaded tests, including step, sweep, and wind drag simulation...go figure. Hummm...pretty much the same thing Mustang Dyno's have always done. Kind of makes you wonder why Dynojet would go to a system that will produce lower numbers then their current system... unless they now know something that Mustang has known all along

All good and interesting stuff

Ryan Trollin!