im' gonna go ahead and re-take control of this thread by saying that it's all taken care of.


all done, i improvised with a flathead. worked just fine.
turns out though, that one of my wheels got slightly mis-shaped when i hit the sewer grate that popped my wheel on Cherry Hill. (it was kinda stupid, i drive down that road all the time, but yesterday it blows my tire? i guess there was some shard of cement or something sticking out...)

i know the tires are covered under any damage whatsoever, so i'll have new Parada's come spring, and the Euro T/A's will do just fine over the winter, but hopefully stuff like potholes are covered under the Konigs' warranty, cuz then i can at least get that one replaced.

What do you mean, rhetorical question? 1998.5 SVT --> #4619 of 6535, born Feb 18, 1998. i'm a smarta$$, don't take it personally