Originally posted by The EX- Striped SVT:
Originally posted by Rara:
geez roger, are you still in Jr. High or what????

What do you mean Brian I posted this because I couldn't remember who uttered the statemen, thats all. It seems everytime I say something that puts Ford in an unfavorable light you bash what I have to say. I/we ALL know you work for Ford, who you know, blah, blah, blah, so lets stay on topic Now, I'd be willing to bet GOOD money that a modded CSVT w/its 2.5L and exhaust and CAI will NOT beat the G6 GTP w/6 spd, thats all I'm saying I'm not sure, but will I get banned for posting this or something?

No, I was referencing the fact that you were getting all bent out of shape over what amounted to benchracing. Trust me, there is too much stuff that puts Ford in a bad light for me to get bent out of shape over it. . . . I'd never be able to fall asleep if that were the case, I'd be too pissed off all the time.

Balance is the Key. rarasvt@comcast.net