Would you say your car is maxed out Warmonger? The reason I is because you seemed to take great offense to the comparison between the CSVT and SRT-4. Don't take offense to this as you've been a huge help to many here in the CEG, but why don't we just compare both cars modded out, like yours and those SRT-4's that run well into the 12's. My point is this, give the car its due, its cheap, unrefined (to some thats a good thing and wanted) and has the goods from the git go! Atleast the SRT-4 guys learned from ALL the mistakes that SVT made and even addressed their own problems, like the lack of the LSD on the 03' and then putting it in all 04's and on, smart, very smart. Did I mention the factory aftermarket parts available too. Must be nice to be able to do that instead of getting a turbo kit from half way across the country, a trans upgrade from another part of the country, Euro suspension kits from another and so on and so on. Not everyone, myself especially, likes to "Frankenstein" their cars together with the hopes it all works together, especially with NO R&D! Also, to be clear, I enjoyed my 5+ years in the CSVT, but I'm going to apply what I learned with it on my next car, thats for sure!

"THEE" Roger R USMondeo@aol.com 2005 Crossfire Limited coupe' -FOR SALE @buyout price & I'll... -throw in my 93' Regal as winter car *Dragon Run 06'...Oct 12-15th* Puur-fection Auto Detailing Complete packages from $140.00