Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by jthursby:
Originally posted by SnafuFlux:
First of all, I'm sure some of you have seen me drop hints here and there for the new Transformers Live movie (July 4 2007). I have some updates and information if people wish to look.

Man the sight of two of those things in the air scares me silly! Only means somebody is kicking the reaper in the gonads. Only recently, and probably not made public, is how one of those abortions went into a 50 foot hover completely uncommanded by the crew. Thats some scary shizit. Congress keeps that and drops the Comanche? Somebodys getting rich.

Waah waah waah. One of the first F-14s had one wing stick full forward and one full back in flight, and I've seen video of a production Tomcat's engines blowing up in a turn. PRODUCTION, as in deployed at sea. Aircraft inadvertently lifting off while engines are running up happen more often than you think (I read one story of one of the F-16 test jets lifting off during high-speed taxi because they didn't realize how much lift the body generated), and occasionally it's not even a pilot in the cockpit, but instead a crew chief with at best a rudimentary understanding of flying and none of landing. The Osprey crews don't deserve the "You're gonna die!" chants coming from goobers like you who think they know something special. And Comanche deserved to get killed...it was a hyperexpensive project for a mission that doesn't exist anymore. It's not as good a recon platform as the Predator and it's not as good a killing machine as the Apache-D, so what's the point?

I got your goober bro, and did you think for a minute that just maybe maybe, I do have some inside intell on this bird? No cause YOUR the know it all. All projects have teething problems, this one IS a teething problem. I hope I'm wrong, but time will tell. The people involved with a project (that would be you)are sometimes blind to the facts in the haste to bring the baby to fruition.

Jim T

PS When the ca-ca hits the fan, at least you can punch out of a Tomcat!

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats".--H.L. Mencken Bumper sticker, OXYMORON #65 - Liberal Thinker