Originally posted by Jason43:
Originally posted by SnafuFlux:
Originally posted by Pre98:
I am suddenly highly disappointed already I hope that's a new look for towards the end of the movie for an approach/forshadow of Rodimus Prime or something, but I doubt it.

Red. Semi. Blue. Legs. How [censored] hard is it to get it right?

you know. The fact that he's a long nose... thats understandable. But FLAMES?! I mean, that doesn't suit Opt's character at all.

This is Micheal Bay we're talking about. Don't underestimate his ability to fug up a movie.

I don't see why people feel the need to bash him all the time. So he doesn't make deep, heartfelt, Oscar-contender movies. What's wrong with a brainless explosionfest for a big budget summer movie?

And bash him all you want, he is still one of the most bankable directors in Hollyweird. His movies make a killing in the box office and in the home markets.

It's "lowest common denominator" entertainment at its best.

1998 SVT Contour Silver Frost for sale in Classifieds.