Originally posted by PDXSVT:
OK, 99, then we'll marry you to every silly thing Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson say ever.

How's that feel?

I couldn't care less, you have a right to your opinion just as I have mine; whether you or anyone else want to call it kooky, stupid, ignorant, or whatever else you feel.


Like you think you speak for us? You give away your autocentric self-righteousness on that one.

Take your FAKE apology and cram it into an empty cranial cavity. You'll find one in arm's reach.

I'm pretty sure that I never claimed to speak for anyone but myself. Like, when I say "I think," or "I feel," I thought that those terms were pretty self explainatory in meaning; I guess some people need everything spoon fed to them?

And I am glad you missed the sarcasm in my apology. I make no real apologies for my beliefs, quotes, feelings, whatever. I am open to debating or whatever, just when I state my opinion I don't care what you think about it unless you can prove me wrong.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"