Originally posted by Hightower GT:
Originally posted by BloodyTomFlint:
It's great that you have faith that you are right but do you have proof?

Believing is proof enough for some people. They choose not to dig for truth. Ignorance is a way of life for MANY aspects of MANY peoples' lives.

If you blindly believe something for long enough, and are taught this from day 1, you accept this as fact. Once you start to question things is when you embark on the road to TRUE discovery.

You speak as if faith & knowledge/science are mutually exclusive, and I say they need not be. Your first paragraph may hold water for some small portion of the faithful, but it's extreme for most as the majority are reasonable people.

Your second paragraph suggests that faith & science are necessarily contradictory, I suggest that they are not, & can even compliment each other. You seem awfully close-minded for somebody who gives the impression he seeks discovery & truth.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.