Originally posted by Hightower GT:
My first paragraph accurately described probably more than half the people in the world (not just Christians).

That is an assumption, not an accurate description. If you claim it's accurate, I'd like to see backup.

Originally posted by Hightower GT:
You also need to remember there are plenty of people that have various beliefs based solely on "My parents and church told me this, so it has to be true." That's what I was referring to. They have been programmed to not question this.

I've conceeded that there are some people like this, but not nearly so many as you allude to.

Originally posted by Hightower GT:
As for me being "closed-minded"; a single paragraph does not one man make. How about you not rush to judgement.

I'm not judging, just questioning what seem to be blanket statements suggesting the majority of the faithful are religious zealots that have no use for, or tolerance of, science & the persuit of knowledge. You're painting with a broad brush and I don't like it because it would color me as well. Frankly, most of the faithful I've known (and there are likely thousands I've met & spoken with) are quite in contrast to what you describe, and I can't recall personally knowing any that are so radical as you state. My experience on the subject is quite different than the picture you portray & I'd like to see some evidence that I'm wrong.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.