Originally posted by TourDeForce:
I've conceeded that there are some people like this, but not nearly so many as you allude to.

Have you ever been to a place I like to call "Middle America" ? I have lived in it for 31 years and I was raised to be one of those people that I described. And since I wasn't describing JUST the US, what kind of interactions have you had with people in/from other countries? What about different religions? Have you taken on a personal quest to research all religions and speak to many people that have these beliefs? (I did a while back)

I do agree with you that there are plenty of intelligent/wise people that practice a religion. However, once you can see the masses/lemmings, you'll see what I am talking about. It's a routine/safe repetition for them. They have also been embedded in them from birth that if they continue these routines, they will go to heaven (or equivalent)

Oh, and don't forget to fill up the offering plate!!!

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