Originally posted by TRicker:
with a regular xcal you only get 3 tunes i hear, no adjustability. you need the extreme racer package to adjust it yourself. it seems like alot of money and some guy you dont know tunes a car he's never seen before, unless you pay for hours of dyno time. it seems expensive. i'm going to see about getting a PRP so i can do everything myself, just like the schmuck tunes yours on the dyno.

Thanks for the lovely PM by the way, really a stand up guy we have on our hands here! Congrats, you are the first person on here to really piss me off.

OK mister know it all, here is where you are wrong:

First off, I dont give a crap what my dyno sheet looks like compared to yours. You spray, I dont. You win. YAY! If you want to continue bashing me with dyno numbers in PMs feel free.

Second. Xcal is not 0 adjustablitiy. If you had the ability to read you would have noticed in any advertisement that it does have user adjustability. You can even modify tunes that you are given. Above this, 1 vendor (Brenspeed) is more than willing to work with you until you get tunes that WORK. Be it 3 or more. Bottom line: You get 3 result producing tunes! And this isnt the first time this has been posted about Brenspeed.

Third. Some guy you dont know tune your car? How about someone who has experience and knows what their doing tune your car! And it doesnt cost hours of dyno time. If you had a clue what you are doing you would know this. 1-1.5, maybe 2 hours is plenty. Ive done it, I know (and that was datalogging 12+ runs!). Not to mention the experience ADC or Brenspeed has far surpasses "schmuck" status. That statement alone proves your ignorance on the matter.

And I would trust that schmuck (as you say) running the dyno and tuning my car far before I would let an ignorant A hole like you wash my rims!

And before you go sending me another wonderful PM, at least realize WTF you are talking about. You do fill the boards up with nonsense, and this thread is only one example. What you state above is untrue and uneducated. And what makes that bad is that you insist that its the truth without acknowledging the facts.

Until next time

#4559 of 6535 born on Feb 17, 1998 Black 1998.5 CSVT FOR SALE [cleaning house]: SVT rear swaybar. Reasonable offer and its yours!