Here is another possible one from

Am dave, i was going through the classified ads today, when i came across the advert concerning the headlights you listed for sale, i am really interested in buying it quite satisfied with the condition of the item and price.Am very much interested in buying the item from you and and i would like to make an outright purcahse immediately so i will advice that you withdraw the advert from the web.I will be paying with a check or money order in us dollarsFurthermore my shipper will be coming over for the pick up am as i might not be available for the pick up myself. I will need the following information details to make payment arrangement:
1,Your full name to be on the check or money order.
2,Your postal address.
3,Your phone number both land and mobile.
4,Your postal code.
Get me the following information as soon as possible.
Thanks in Advance

[color:"green"]-Matt R

'99 Tropic Green LX, Zetec, ATX