Originally posted by BP:
you guys need to stop that. the terrorist blame game goes further back than clinton.

I want examples. I also want you to point out how these failures led to where we are today. I can lay out, point by point, what happened during the mid to late 90's under Clinton because I was there, and I saw the information first hand. I also know the exact information that was presented to the CiC in his daily briefs, and I also know what our internal and global assessments were at the time -- nowhere else in history has there been such a failure to act on solid intel.

Originally posted by BP:
that's not going to happen. the muslim community in general was moving towards a less conservative and less extremist position before 9/11 and iraq.

You must have been wearing blinders pre-9/11 then, like the rest of the world. I most certainly did NOT see this less-extremist model forming anywhere, except in countries that are still our allies to this day.

Originally posted by BP:
it will take a long time for things to get back to where they were pre-iraq and pre-9/11.

Finally, something you said MAKES SENSE for once. It sure will take them a much longer time to rebuild their arsenals, and retrain the hundreds of their soldiers we've taken out. Not to mention the fact that we've eliminated known training camps in 9 countries with the help of our allies, all since 9/11. (Bet you didn't know that figure, since it's not quoted in your ultra-liberal media outlets.)

As usual BP you place more blame on us.


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