Originally posted by loggerbomb:

if anyone watched the CNN special "in the footsteps of Bin Laden" youd have seen the actual memo that Bush Jr was given about terrosists planning to hijack and fly planes into federal buildings. That was shown to him a week or so before the attacks, Id say thats preetty solid intel.

Pick up a copy of "Ghost Wars" and read all 700+ pages of it. It does a much better job of hashing out the failures of the Regan, Bush I and ultimately the Clinton administraton in terms of not keeping more eyes on the Middle-East (and not just Israel and Saudi Arabia).

Partisan minds will place blame where it's most convienent to them in terms of which administration did what; those with a little more vision will see that there have been failures on both the political and religious front on all sides that have compounded each other. In terms of the sheer number of oversights and failures, I must say my tally has always spiked during the mid and late 90's, though one cannot completely blade Clinton for some of the snafu's that the CIA caused due to them concentrating on the Cold War fallout in Europe and Western Asia.

JaTo e-Tough Guy Missouri City, TX 99 Contour SVT #143/2760 00 Corvette Coupe