Originally posted by EternalOne:
Originally posted by Pete D:
I don't care about the global economy or the region. I care about what is best for The American People. I don't think perpetuating the hatred for the west by constantly meddling in the ME and suporting Isreal is good for us

And yet you do not realize how that would directly affect the American public at large?

Say we did leave, what do you think Iran would do? Or Syria? You think they'd just say, "Oh! The Americans left! Let's throw a party and lower our oil prices!!!"

Give me a break... Your method would destroy the entire global economy, leading to a fundamental breakdown in everything we hold dear, along with giving an entire region to terrorists, where they will then set their sights back on US Soil.


I'm trying to follow your train of thought here. How does the US pulling out of the ME (and especially ending all ties to Isreal) end up in the collapse of the global economy and our way of life as we know it

"Bros before Hoes" <-- More men need this mentality.