Originally posted by NorMich99SE:
And as for the autobahn and it's safty record, it's cause europeans are much more professional in the way they drive, and more polite as well.
Not really. Less people have a license, in Germany for example you must be 18. That makes a HUGE difference in accidents. Public transportation is also a larger factor, you will not have a 99 year old woman driving a Cadillac around. And those beaters with a taped window and hanging exhaust...you don't see them there due to safety regulations. The roads are about, well 100000X nicer and you usually have more than two lanes since it is THE highway unlike here where we have to cover much more ground. And the only thing more polite is the trucks, they drive much safer/to the rules than American ones (probably because die Polizei have less ground to cover). Throw our people into their driving situation and it would be very similar.

-Giovanni One turbocharger. Two intercoolers. All love.