Originally posted by 1996ContourSE:
Well i am new on here but i would love to come. I might bring a friend to. there isnt any like club or anything i have to be in to go is there and if there is what do i do to join it. but OKC is great for me. been wanting to check out some tours but there is not many around here. let me know if i can come and what the cost of everything will be


Of course you can come, anyone can come. Even bring friends! So far, the hotel is $68 I believe, and right now, it just looks like food costs and fun monies. We are still throwing around the idea of a raffle for prizes, just for the fun of it. The hotel info and #'s should be posted tomorrow. Will have more info to pass along then about other costs. Everything is starting to fall into place now so hopefully any questions will be cleared and answered shortly.