Thanks, Andy.

I'm getting ready to change discs/pads all around. My plan, right now, is to do the rear axle tonight. The rears are at kind of a critical wear point, and I have 2 weeks until my next Autox. That should be enough time to break in the rears. (I hope.)

For the fronts, I'm going to wait until after this autox season is over, and at that time, I plan to switch to new fluid.

I'm installing BAT premium rotors with Mintex A/F pads, which have no bed-in procedure dictated except "try not to do hard braking for the first 200 miles."

If any of this sounds stupid or wrong-headed, please say so.

Function before fashion. '96 Contour SE "Toss the Contour into a corner, and it's as easy to catch as a softball thrown by a preschooler." -Edmunds, 1998