What pics of skyline kit where? Page 3 and 4? How do you measure pages? I see no photoshop pics labeled "skyline" in this post. I am interested and I have the money (am considering new SVT parts) but I have seen MUCH hype and frustration with past CEG body kit group buys. 1sweetride on 18 Feb you posted that you would show actual pictures of this kit. It??s time.

I applaud the efforts of any vendor who makes parts for our cars. With respect to body kits, appearance is EVERYTHING and it is not unreasonable to request or even demand pictures before agreeing to purchase.

How about someone involved with this kit starting a webpage (a trivial thing to do nowadays) and posting pictures during the entire design and fabrication effort. Just keep a cheap digital camera around the shop. You would have literally thousands of hits from CEG alone. Enthusiasts would get to know the kit and the people making it. They would have a quasi-emotional investment in the product (having watched it being ??born? in a sense) and would be eager to purchase one. The word-of-mouth-advertising would be incredible. This would richly pay-off for you in terms of marketing and sales and would stop these endless, useless ??When are we going to see pictures?? posts.

This is the wired age man! Use this inexpensive tactic to en-power your product!

99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 20K miles, "Nice Twin" (factory stock). 99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 28K miles, "Evil Twin" (Turbo AER 3L and more in progress) 96 Red LX, Opal Grey Leather 2.5L, ATX, 22K miles