Originally posted by ZetecNinja:
Originally posted by blury:
I alos think if there was a living prototype that you could get picture of would speed this up considreably. Ive notcied the other kits buy's have prtotypes to show.

they aren't prototypes they're nearly finished products...and just like this group buy there were no "real" pictures until the kit neared completion.

also the other group buys were never started til deposits were made...and even after that they've taken over a year to complete their product

things take time but they cannot even be started if he doesn't get the amount of people he needs. this group buy is no different from any other...

with that said...I've already stated my status on this GB.

couldn't have said it better my self

Built April 18th 1998 #5770 of 6535 Reborn: July 11, 2004 3L and gone again 12/13/2005 new ride: 98 Silver frost SVT with all my old goodies!!!!