There is a misconception about what causes the main bearings to go in the V6. Terry E-mailed me his answer after reading a bunch of e-mails and posts about what causes it....He wasn't too thrilled...

Subj: Tell the fools on CEG...
Date: 1/28/2003 9:13:32 AM Pacific Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

This is the oil flow to the crak from the pump via the filter to the mail oil gallery to the crank MAIN BEARINGS FIRST...then from drillings in the crank to the rod whay do few MAIN BEATNGS FAIL and ONLY THE ROD ENDS IF THE ISSUE IS OIL STARVATION...the bloody main would go dry BEFORE the rod end!!!.The crank whip causes the crank to distort and get a 'sliver' of rod end material in the oil holeTHAT COMES FROM THE MAIN...blocks off the feed and the bearing spins...christ cant anyone read the lube circuit on an engine!!!..Fools ,all bloody fools!..TH (PS Have a nice day!)

I hope this somewhat answers questions..

3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles