I think the main point that Terry is trying make here is that there is no "oil starvation issue" that we all talk about. From reading his post and comments on the FCO, he feels that the crank is the weakest link in engine. He feels that due to a poorly designed crank, it is much more prone to harmonic induced failures. Hince the DMD is needed on the MTX's to absorbe this extra vibration in certain RPM bands. Terry stated that he saw a good number of cranks go prematurly in the engineering of the engine and was not happy with what he saw. Plus noone would agree with him, basically, to do anything about it.

He had stated several times on the FCO that out of all the 2.5's that he has rebuilt that had spun rod bearings, none of the failures were due to oil starvation across the crank. Hince the pluged gallery. The e-mail that "rozwell911" has posted above seems to be a reidaration of several post that he has made in the past on FCO.

I don't know guys, I am truely convienced both ways. We all know that if you have a MTX and use the car for anything more then buying groceries, it is a great idea to have a DMD. But at the sametime, there have been a few here that have melted bearings just like Terry is saying can't happen. The last time this came up, I think Horse got really upset becasue of his situation. DemonSVT seems to think there are oiling issues and who can argue with him. The guy knows a lot more about our cars then most of us combined.

I think we are mearly worrying about differences of opinion and like ScottK said, just assume that all the suspected causes of spun bearings are potential killers, cover your bases with that in mind and everything will be ok.

Just my two cents!

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime