Quotes from Terry on FCO about this topic...


"This is crazy...a guy asked me about crank bearing failures re spun beariings...I gave him my take on the problem and he posted it on CEG...then they locked his post!!!....seems like that site has gone 'over the edge'...I'm flattered that the mention of my name drives them nuts!!!...how sweet its!!!"


"One day that site will make the last vital connection between mounth and brain....until such time...who gives a damm!"


"I just love to read the 'experts ' on the boards....I'm waiting for the 'install' of the underdrive alt pullies...now that will be joy to read about!!!"


In response to a response from Cardoc about the pullies being worthless
"Nope its not that...I want to see them removing the old pulley from the alt!!!...oh joy...... "

Here is what I had to say about the whole thing...



I don't think the post that you are talking about got locked because it had your name in it. I can't tell you how many people actually take up for you over there (CEG!). So why would you think that Lance would lock the post simply because it had your name in it?

I am still new to all this and most of this whole story between everyone is all hear-say for me. I really don't give a crap what happened to who, why, when, where or anything else. I am just a fellow Contour/Mystique owner that really loves the crap out of his car and wants the best for it. I also would like to be around people that like to help others with there cars and share advice. That is how we learn!

Yes! I am a CEG'er... And yes! I do come here as well. But I cannot stand here and read this thread any longer without saying something about it. Just because I consider myself a CEG'er does not mean that I am stupid by any means and I resent the hell out of the fact that you would think so.

Like I said, I know there was a lot that happened between a bunch of people, but get over it. We are not street gangs! We are car lovers that have a car in common!

Not all of us can say that we were enginners for Ford. I work for Xerox and even though I am very well trained at what I do, there are times that I have to call enginners and ask them questions. Sure, I do tons of research before hand, but still the time will come when I have a software issue that I cannot resolve or an array malfunction in a circuit that I cannot seem to pin down. Though these are complex issues and very indepth when compared to the day to day activities that I am used to. Can you imagine the look on my face, or my customers, when the enginner on the phone tells me that he will not offer me any advice because I do not have a masters degree in Computer Science and Enginnering!

Just my 2 cents!


This all sort of pisses me off! If Terry is so damn great, why in the hell does he have to give advice to someone, then look on to the post, run back to the FCO and make fun of everyone here? I know that some have said that he is very frustrated and all, but d@mn! This is useless crap and not productive at all. If he wants to set the record straight, then I think he can do that himself here and not go through other people. It is a shame that all this is going on!

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime