I talk to terry about once a week....the reason he left originally, from what I understand, was becasue of people didn;t seem like they wanted his advise. and anytime they asked for it they did the opposite and screw something up on there cars....he basically was sick of people not listening to him when he, I and everyone know(almost everyone) that he is probably the best singe sorce for infomation on our cars...

I don't balme him for leaving and i welcome his advise whole heartedly.

From a lot of the post i read, a lot of people on this site are not use to people giving advise tehy way terry does, he is very stright forward and blunt. And i can se how most people can take his words as an insult.

I just hope people lean to become more receptive to the knowledge of the wiser ones on this site. DemonSVT is one of them and he is also one of the few that I have the utmost respect for....Kremit too.....


3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles