Originally posted by horseydug:
Originally posted by ScottK:
I caught what happened here - someone posted something about Terry being "such a friendly" guy. The mods probably didn't want a whole bunch of crap stirred up, so they locked the post, then I saw the post in question had been deleted and the post got unlocked.

Seems like they were just trying to avert a pissing match before it started.


Never mind, looks like the posts I thought were cleaned up are still there, so it was just a temp locking for some reason or another???

You've got it essentially correct but just to set the record straight and assuming it this is thread you are talking about.

Notwithstanding the inflammatory aspects contained in the email quoted in opening post I let the thread continue while bearings/oil starvation were the majority of a member's subsequent posts. When the posts started to turn to solely Terry Haines bashing/support, his sanity or lack thereof, his drinking habits or the correctness of his banning from CEG, I started to delete individual posts. Got fed up doing that and locked the thread.
Some members subsequently complained to Lance who unlocked the thread. After a few more inappropriate posts the thread got back on topic so I have let it remain unlocked and will use post deletion as appropriate to keep it on topic.

This is a Troubleshooting Forum for Contiques; not a Terry, Lance Kinley, CEG or FCO debating/bashing forum.

This is understandable...I apologize to your personally if this postis causeing any contriversy....Thank you for keeping the post on topic and letting it saty open. In the future i will watch what I quote on this site so a similar situation does not happen and you don;t ahve to work over time on this or any posts.

Again my apologizes.

Best regards,

3.0 SVT hybrid...all the fixens...Track/Race ready very soon!!!!!! 20,000 + miles