Originally posted by armstrkw:
Gore has a great environmental outlook; just because I care and am educated in the subject doesnâ??t mean I voted for Gore. I donâ??t trust Gore running us in a war situation and I donâ??t trust Bush with anything having to do with the environment. Maybe you just enjoy fâ??ing earth up, open your eyes.

yes i do enjoy f'ing up the earth...i got no main cat on my svt,get over it...i also got a 12 second stang,with offroad exhaust,and i love polluting the air with it...lol...

you are just a tool of this society that believes all the propaganda that dumba$$es like gore spews out...you claim to be soooo educated on the subject,but i believe you just too easily believe the SO CALLED truths of these enviornmental morons...have you done any actual tests on what a gutted cat does to the atmosphere???????i seriously doubt it.....

maybe you should do a little more reading on the subject,besides what these tree hugging morons write....there are several books that have been written on the subject by scientists that HAVE done research on the subject...and MANY of them claim that all this crap about automobile emissions being so terrible for the enviornment are false...and also that the ozone layer has been naturally depleting over the entire life of this atmosphere,and how automobiles are NOT as major of a contributor as some would like you to believe...

these "so called" enviornmental politicians are the same ones making it hard on us automotive enthusiasts,while they are taking under the table payoffs from the real polluters of the enviornment the factories,and manufacturing plants....and have you ever noticed how much smoke and crap you see pour out of city busses whenever they take off???do you actually think these busses have to adhere to the same emissions laws as you and i do????i seriously doubt it...its a double standard...

so don't come on here and try and preach to us about your enviornmental bs....this was a thread about gutting your precats,not how YOU feel about the enviornment...if you don't want to gut your cats,then fine don't....but some do,and if youy have nothing to add to the topic,then maybe you shouldn't comment at all...

new,new ride! '99 svt black/mnb '95 mustang gt sold! '98 svt #800 sold!