You are so right, its all clear now. I just took all of my cats off all of my cars. Global warming is for the birds. I would love to know how many of your sources are from republican sponsored research. Did you hear that Bush just hired a select committee to try to find that global warming wasn't a problem and they found out the opposite? This was his own guys!!! I am really not a big fan of Gore's, I respect him, but I disagree with a lot of things he does and says. I am not some Gore fan, but saying that your gutted cars arenâ??t polluting the environment is just plain ignorant. Thatâ??s the problem with the world people like you with a high school education believing whatever is thrown at you. If you want the data of a 1970â??s car (which is yours without cats, or little for cats) vs. an average carâ??s now emissions I have it. There is around a 5 to 10 fold difference, but hey dumass its was faked right by Gore I am assuming???

Canada = little France