Originally posted by armstrkw:
Thatâ??s the problem with the world people like you with a high school education believing whatever is thrown at you. If you want the data of a 1970â??s car (which is yours without cats, or little for cats) vs. an average carâ??s now emissions I have it. There is around a 5 to 10 fold difference, but hey dumass its was faked right by Gore I am assuming???

ok you can stop with the personal insults...which i never rescall personally attacking you...first of all i happen to have a frickin' college degree,so don't call me a high school educated duma$$,when you don't even fuggin' know me.....just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them ignorant...you should really watch what you say.....

i've actually read quite a bit on the subject,and actually wrote a college term paper on the subject.....and my views were formed along time ago,has nothing to do with bush or any republicans....its still a well known fact that factories and manufacturing plants are causing far more pollution than automobiles do,and when some duma$$ from one of these plants causes a major enviornmental catastrophe,the company just says sorry and then we all pay for their mistakes with stricter emission regulations on our vehicles,when we are not the root cause in the first place...

and if your boy al gore had his way we would all be driving friggin' generic electric cars.....i as well as many automotive enthusiasts are having to pay for things that are not our fault...i read many,many books and articles on this subject...and there were many proven facts about older cars,and LOTS of them were shown to actually be safer to the enviornment,then some of these newer cars that actually passed an emissions test....the guy that just posted he passed his emissions test,just even further proves my point,that automobiles(even ones with gutted cats on them,such as in this case)are NOT causing as much damage as people like al gore,and puppets like your self,who believe everything these enviornmentalists say or write,seem to think....

the guy who you just said was ok because he passed his sniffer test,said he GUTTED his cats,which you originally stated was wrong!!!!huh why don't you make up your mind!!!!his gutting is no different than anybody else's...so basically you have no point at all...i am through ruining this thread with enviornmental bs...if you don't have anything to add to the actual topic,then why don't you stop posting on it then...i am done arguing with you pm me if you want to keep insulting me,and lets get this back ON TOPIC...your personal insults just further show your ignorance....

new,new ride! '99 svt black/mnb '95 mustang gt sold! '98 svt #800 sold!