Originally posted by CrazyCanuck:

As for zr500lc's comments, I don't appreciate them in my topic thread, and the language we can all do without. This is a very valuable forum to all of us, and while I appreciate all of the help I have received, I won't tolerate your flames toward the membership.

CrazyCunuck i do apologize for the way i wrote my message. It really makes me look like a fool but i must say that i am not sorry for sticking up for the message i was trying to get across. I will stop with all of this if this guy opens his eyes and realizes that there might be a high school kid that doesnt flip burgers and actually has a life ahead of him or her. But i do apologize for my message because the language was uncalled for. I do feel bad because that just makes me look like im a bad kid or something.

I just got a pm and it was real funny and it just made me laugh.

From: armstrkw

Nice dude, last time a golf player kicked my ass was hummmm. Get your punk ass off of here and go fry me some freedom fries.