becasue the filter is tucked up in the corner of the engine bay I'm sure that there would be air flow around the filter but I don't see it being all that signifigant since its not directly in any kind of air stream.

However, I could see that the air flowing into the engine bay being warmer than at the dyno where it was indoors and the hood was open. On the highway, most of the air that comes into the engine bay has to first pass through the radiator where it will pick up some heat from the hot water inside the rad. Also have to take into effect ground level temperatures on the pavement, where on a sunny day they can be up to 50 degrees hotter than the air just a few feet off the pavement.

I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats the best they're going to feel all day - former President Lyndon B. Johnson