what's up Heather. yeah i guess i should have phrased that a little differently. unless something happens i'll be at the national meet in chi town. eric i have moved to maine but as i type i'm in pittsburgh. the rough part of the work i do requires alot of travel. i stayed i maine two weeks and have been in pa for a month. did manage to go home for the fourth. heather the car is running great. i'm probably going to have to invest in a new clutch soon. no drivability issues but it just seems to be getting weak. i had a little fun in pa. my partner(bro-in-law) has a wrx. he learned that its not as bad as he thought. well from a 50mph roll anyway. those things are sick out the whole. keep in touch and i'll see you and hector and steve and ....... in chi town. later rob

Rob Collins 98.5 svt blk/blue #5778of6535 I've got some mods.