Okay Guys - on behalf of Kaotic:

I've been averaging 30 PMs a day in regards to this kit. Here's the scoop. For those of you who KNOW you're in this GB for either rear - please make full payment and just select the rear you want when pictures come up. For those waiting for better pix of rear #2 and are thinking of pulling out or selling your spot please LET US KNOW!

I understand why some of you might be waiting but either way you're getting a kit and we need to collect money for material cost. I'll be going out there this weekend to take new pix and maybe as soon as today but if you know you're going to purchase a kit make full payment to secure your spot.

Any unspoken for spots will be opened to the general public. We've waited 8 months for this kit and now it's finally coming out. Kits can go out as soon as NEXT WEEK as long as the money is in!

Now as a CEGer:

Come on guys! Let's get this baby flying - I feel like a chicken without it's head cut off right now cuz there's nothing happening and we can have kits rolling out of Kaotics shop as soon as next week if the funds come in. Kaotic is not a big company as many of you know - it's two guys working on several cars at a time, if we can get the money in so they can cover material costs and shipping costs your kit will be at your doorstep soon!

IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS LET ME KNOW AND I'LL TALK TO KAOTIC ABOUT IT! Please filter all questions through me since I'm handling this GB or through Terry. I update the OFG daily, for those whose information is not updated properly just give me atleast a week to verify funds from Terry (I can't just go based off your word, understand that and know that I'm doing my best to keep you all happy).

Happy modding.