I talked with nyceboi(Nirish) briefly earlier tonight. Basically, he is still part of KI, but he isn't dealing through CEG any longer because of the horrible results. I believe he said 14/30 people paid for the kits. That's terrible considering all of those people had said they would, and backed out. They are still shipping out kits and everything for the 14 people who paid. Basically, the people who will lose money are those who never paid in full after repeatedly asked to, over a long period of time. They will end up having to pay the normal $950, instead of the GB price of $650. I believe he said they had 3 months to make the full payment, and didn't. Those who paid in full will have the kits shipped out to them in the order in which they paid. So you will get your kits.

As far as the pre98 guys go (me being one of them), the GB price still applies. It's not in any way tied to the 98+ GB in terms of money received, etc. He told me that his pre98 goes into KI on Nov. 15th, 1-2 weeks for molding the front bumper, and the kits should be ready to ship shortly thereafter. From what I understand after talking to Nirish a few different times, the hoods will go into production shortly after the kit GBs, if not immediately after.

That's the deal, in a nutshell. Those of you involved in the GB, both 98+ and pre98, there isn't much point in contacting Nirish. He is quite fed up with CEG and the immature asses that have been spewing forth the recent crap. I can't blame him. I really can't. I'm surprised he didn't say fuggit long before. Contact KI for all other questions. He'll be back around CEG after the GB is over. He's too busy with life right now.

Last edited by 97CS; 10/15/03 03:39 AM.