Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Originally posted by twitztour:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
The business respected the customer plenty but the customer didn't respect the business.

I guess you fall into this Customer catagory as well as anyone else on CEG???

Umm, I mean customer as a whole, in general. I'm certainly more of a customer than you are (I've sent money). Really I don't understand why somebody not currently involved with this continues to post as much as he does, especially complaining when you don't even have money on the line. If you're too stupid to understand what I meant by the customer, then you shouldn't even post.

Umm because "YOU" keep bashing the customers who DRIVE THE BUSINESS. I mean its not my fault your completly clueless and have no knowledge of business ethics what so ever (PERIOD).

You keep saying well people complained about this and that and caused it. Well thats the biggest load of crap I've heard. They complained because they were misled 100x over about when the item would be done. And with no communication being sent to the customers would lead some to believe they just took one in the butt.

So with that being said, I am tired of hearing people like you criticize people for standing up for what they have been told and what they believe is a timely manner. I don't recall it being said going into this GB that it would be over a year ordeal. So lay the blame where it belongs.

And NO I've never said Kaotic was a ripoff or anything to the like so shove that idea. I've just been waiting for them to finish up the painful over year long ordeal so I can try to get a front bumper to replace my deep gashed one I have on my car possibly. Started out just wanting to see some real Images of this thing so its not the "bigfoot" of bumpers (a myth). Is there a problem with that? I don't think so then I have to hear you gripe cause someone wants their just due (money back or product) so there it is.