Remember this post from 8/11/03. You guys should have listened to him, but how could you guys have known? I feel really bad for you guys involved in this GB. I'm lucky I found this site after this GB was started, otherwise I would have been in on it too.

Originally posted by tom10167:
I hate to flood the boards, but I am just going to copy and paste what I wrote in the other thread. If this is against forum policies than feel free to move, just keep in mind I am looking out in the best interest for the customer:

I am a Ford Probe owner. I am on this forum to help you guys out. Kaotic did one of these group buys for the Ford Probe about 4 months ago. I ordered a front bumper, and a hood from them, I paid on 4/25...
Have I gotten the parts yet? No.
Have I gotten my $640 back yet? No.
They first said there was a delay with boxes. Then they kept saying this. Then they started saying that it was a delay with the molds, then the boxes, then the shipping, the run-around went on, FOR A WHILE. Obviously. Then, I told them, on a certain Wednesday, I want my money back if you don't ship it by Sunday. They said, ok, it will go out on Friday at the latest. I said fine, I even gave them two extra days, to be nice(After THREE MONTHS of them having my $640.) I called all weekend, because I got no notification of my kit being shipped. I called, no answer, AT ALL, alllllllllll weekend, morning, night, whatever. I left tons of messages with my name, phone number, and a brief message. Then they come to me on Monday on the internet. And I tell them I want my money back, they tell me it's already been shipped, and if I cancel my orderd I will only get ~320 back. That's crap. I found out that their shipper (Yellow Freight) DIDN'T even ship the kit..... Then they go on about a 35% restocking fee. Which is crap, because there were other people waiting for the kits just like me, it's not like it would be a big trouble for them to "restock" it.(Assuming they even made it.) Well, it turns out Tony Novello and Christopher Crofty(Owners of Kaotic, along with Christopher's wife.) don't even have a business license to sell. They have unsafe working condition, but they think that since their shop is online, nobody will ever know. I know a lot of other people who have given money and still not received a kit, or even an update. Then, I decided to contact the BBB ( ) and file a complaint, Kaotic said they wouldn't answer, and therefore the BBB could do nothing about it. This is technically true, although, refusing to even speak with the BBB makes the company look VERY BAD. I've saved all of my conversations with widebodyprober and tjnovello so if you want them just ask. You might think, well, you're just a newb, you're probably lying.

Why would I lie? I'm just doing this so that YOU GUYS don't get screwed out of the money the way I did. I worked as hard as I could for that money, and they just took it, and they spent it on a vacation. Yes. They spent it on a vacation.
Now they just refuse to even acknowledge my existence, I am out $640. I hope you guys don't make my mistake too.
Don't buy from Kaotic.

Last edited by NOBLE818; 01/12/04 11:23 PM.

1999 Cabernet Red Contour SE Sport V6 24V ATX Southern California 1995 White Ford Explorer XLT