WTF? what are you guys talking about? all i was asking is how much i was looking at if i bought cheap or near stock pads and rotors or what else i need. what is so hard to understand about not having money? i barely have extra money, so i need to get a cheap set of brakes to last me until i can save up some money. i am in a little ditch moneywise, but not for long and i neeeeed brakes. i know it is not a place to skimp on. i wish i didn't have to, but that's how life works. i don't encounter traffic where there is wild drivers and i need to slam on the brakes. i'm usually taking back roads to work 5 days a week and i rarely go long distances on the freeway. i put like 800 miles a month on my car. why is it so hard to understand that i don't encounter much traffic? i hope you guys are just yankin on my pickle, because so far i haven't had a straight answer.

99 SVTC, T-Red, #652/2760-12.8.1998 Mother#@%@!* did I sound abstract? I hope it sounded more confusin than that!