Originally posted by JonnySVT:
WTF? what are you guys talking about? all i was asking is how much i was looking at if i bought cheap or near stock pads and rotors or what else i need. what is so hard to understand about not having money? i barely have extra money, so i need to get a cheap set of brakes to last me until i can save up some money. i am in a little ditch moneywise, but not for long and i neeeeed brakes. i know it is not a place to skimp on. i wish i didn't have to, but that's how life works. i don't encounter traffic where there is wild drivers and i need to slam on the brakes. i'm usually taking back roads to work 5 days a week and i rarely go long distances on the freeway. i put like 800 miles a month on my car. why is it so hard to understand that i don't encounter much traffic? i hope you guys are just yankin on my pickle, because so far i haven't had a straight answer.

not trying to bust on you, I gave appropriate advice further up the post. It's just that your thinking is way wrong when it comes to "not encountering much traffic, don't need brakes much" philosophy in this situation. What happens if you have a blow-out? Yeah, it's rough not having much money, but I also noticed you've got some fairly pricey mods on your car. The safest car is the one you can control the best. You can't control a car with marginal brakes, bad tires or worn struts. This is not only for your benefit but for the others reading these posts.

contours, deloreans & fiats, oh my!