Originally posted by 98 SE:
I don't have the authority to say this, but I do hope the forum rules will be more strictly enforced/followed and "CI blackouts" such as this one will happen more often just to keep people straight.

While I'm on a rant making suggestions as such, might as well say I think something should be done about the search and repost nazis as well. My apologies if I am acting out-of-place saying this.

On point 1: it may require more people to admin the CI forum. Also, some people really tend to fly off the handle when a "grey-area" post gets locked, at which point strict enforcement of the rules starts causing more problems than it solves. Every lock will result in a new "hey, why'd you lock my post" or "CEG suX0rs!" thread.

On point 2: the problem I have with "doing something" with the search nazis is that in forums like Troubleshooting, there's an admin post by Lance specifically requesting newbies use the search function. I personally have repeatedly answered the same questions over and over, and it gets old. I enjoy helping people, especially when its easy to answer their questions, but it gets frustrating when someone could just take 15 minutes and find the answer with a simple search. My other option is to just stop answering those questions althogether, which is even less helpful to a newbie than "search for xxxx and you'll find your answer." Although I would say that the tone and attitude used by some people could really be toned down a few notches (I'm guilty of this too from time to time).

I really like having the CI forum. It can be a great place to just talk, discuss, argue, whatever; but I do agree that Lance and the other admins have no obligation to support it.

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