Good god people! You guys are going on and on about how horrible the SRT is. Well, Contours run 5 or 6 psi? compared to 14 psi stock? The interior is obviously better. Handling is good if you know how to drive it. I guess the torque steer is a little too much for you all since it puts out about 235torque stock.

I never doubted the SVT Contour, but its complainers that are on this thread that give the SVTs a bad name. I honestly cannot believe the sh*t thats going on here. I raced an SVT Contour because he was dumb enough to challenge me. I was completely stock and it looked like he threw the car in reverse... it was so sad.

Get off your soap boxes and let this damn thread die.

its sad how you all bring up, "I'd rather pay 10,000 than something that's an ugly piece of sh*t" Well you know,

After losing to me:
"I wasn't even racing anyway, plus your car is so freaking ugly."
My response:
"Dude, don't you think your opinion is kind of biased considering all you saw was my ass?"

I think there should be a discussion about the pros and cons of the Contour vs the SRT instead of completely bashing one or the other. I'm game either way, the SRT4 is one hell of a fast car but I'm open to any conversation on Contours. I like to learn about cars so all of this is good knowledge. Just don't knock it 'til you've tried it.