My question... how does allowing two people who love each other the federal recognition of being married really alter the "sanctity" of anyone else's?

In a country where nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, I think THAT statistic is what blows the value and "sanctity" of marriage.

If two people love each other and want to marry, let them. Their reproductive organs don't enter into it. If you want to say that marriage is for the sole purpose of having kids? What if either person is sterile? How many thousands of couples simply cannot reproduce? That means they shouldn't be married, right?

Separation of church and state, people... give me concrete, non-religious, non-biblical hard FACT how allowing gays to marry will somehow ruin the institution of marriage.

You have the right to freedom of speech and religion so long as it does NOT infringe upon the rights of others, as guaranteed in the Constitution of this great country... your religion is infringing upon the rights of others if you want to stick with placing an Amendment that will BAN gays from marrying.

And don't give me this "civil union" bull. You're preaching "separate but equal" rights. While you're at it, why don't you force gay people to sit at the back of the bus, drink from different fountains, and be forced out of restaurants and public areas? I mean, why go half way? If you want to eliminate one right, why not remove them all?

1998 SVT Contour Silver Frost for sale in Classifieds.