Originally posted by hmouta:
dan, you cant make a decision because of what "could" happen. that was that tom cruise movie. i dont know what i'll do 10 years from now. should i not drive ever cuz i can potentially kill someone in an accident. should my license be revoked cuz i'll "likely" speed. what happens to straight married couples who never have kids. they arent contributing to society, supposedly. do we revoke their marriage rights after 5 years if they dont make a kid. or do we give them 10 years. if they have no intention of having kids ever, do we prevent them from getting married.

I make them all the time based on what could happen. It's called risk/benefit. To sharpen your analogy, driving at 70 MPH on the highway is working justy fine for me and for society. Shall we up the speed to 100 MPH without some saftey data (this is a loaded Q on this page!)?

I think you understand my point. The definition and institution of marriage has been around 1000s of years. It is central and critical cornerstone of our society. As stated above very nicely it is a government entity (as well as ceromonial/religious) because it has a value to society at large (not just the 2 married parties) in forming as close to "optimal" setting to raise children. That is KEY. Without children, it could be a MUCH simpler affair (why all the legal/financial benefits if it is just about 2 people who care for each other)...seriously, I have really good friends that I love that I would like get my wealth & proporty when I die, my health care benefits extended to, tax breaks, etc). But, this is not permitted for obvious reasons (the ultimate tax loophole). But wealth for the next generation, to carry on a buisiness, to keep your children healthy, to allow a spouse a chance to spend more time with children...

Believe me, this is not antihomosexual. We ARE all created equal. And BTW, it is NOT correct to compare the inter-racial analogy (as members of the same species, they can and do reproduce!). More correct as analogy to gay marriage (given the emphasis on reproduction not sex) would be the marriage of 2 SPECIES that cannot produce offspring (but still love each other and have sex. And yes, many heterosexuals get married and do not have children...now here one COULD argue that some of the priveleges be withheld (not that I am argueing this..).

You know, maybe no harm would come from gay marriage to the institution. But I think it is a more fragile institution in recent years. Not sure how much it would take to knock down. So I am concerned when so called "public servants" take matters into there own hands for there own motives and just start marrying any 2 people that walk in the door..3000 in 2 weeks or something like that.

And for those who think discussion of this is detracting from my REAL concerns...it's not. War on TERROR still tops in my book right now. Without security...money, education, freedom is all just an illusion....We are kicking butt here and I feel the need to "update" the gains we've made in a post "comming to CEG" soon. GWB is the man.

I better get out of here, as I think I just called in the napalm on my pos..

1999 Amazon Green SVT Contour (#554/2760) "People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use." -Soren Kierkegaard (as posted by Jato)