Read your Bible much closer and without your pastor's verbage on the particular passage. Verses that pertain to homosexuality are taken out of context, especially those in Paul. The most common examples that have been blown out of proportion are to be found in Paul's sermons to the Corinthians and the story of Sodom in the Old Testament. While evil is the main topic of discussion in reference of Sodom and Paul addressing prostitution and orgy cults in the Roman empire at the time, these are totally washed away by a reckless notion to concentrate ONLY on homosexuality, which doesn't even make up 1/10th of the discourse in either Genesis or Corinthians.

In short, it's like opening the Bible up to Isaiah and basing the entire message of the Good Book off of some of the bloody and disturbing passages within that single chapter...

I'm not saying that homosexuality is normal; in terms of population on this planet, it most certainly isn't. Moral? I fail to see how sexual preference that certain people are predisposed towards from birth is a matter of religious morality.

Food for thought: Where to hermaphrodites (i.e., those with male and female genetialia) fit into God's plan and the Christian definition of sexual morality? It's a very different topic, but one that is parallel to the argument that homosexuals face from intolerant and condemning Christians. I've yet to have ANYONE of the cloth or otherwise give a cohesive and logical explaination behind this one, but feel free to give it a shot as I do enjoy watching people dig metaphorical holes in the ground...

JaTo e-Tough Guy Missouri City, TX 99 Contour SVT #143/2760 00 Corvette Coupe