Originally posted by BoostedA4:
I can't believe i am being so outspoken about this.. (moms gonna know for sure) lol..
Homosexuality a sin? has anyone seen what goes on behind most peoples bedroom doors!!! haha (surely those sex shops exist for a reason). If its a sin then im the anti-christ himself.. oh btw, I live in New Paltz and i know Jason West. He's been talking about this for a Loooong time (and yes hes a media queen). NP is a very liberal town sort of woodstock like. I was at the marches and the marriages it was definitely an awesome sight.. so much emotion involved.. and we will continue the weddings every week without west.

Now if they could only stop giving me the "im str8 but dont h8" signs to carry.. excuse me while i get my Hair did' and nails done.

are u coming out to us?

As far as I'm concerned, civil unions don't matter to me, I think that's where this is headed anyways. . .as for this whole gay=bad, can't be gay because the bible said so, etc. Honestly, the bible was WRITTEN by man, NOT GOD, so there's room for interpretation, it frankly pisses me off when people go around saying that. . .

Now if they used logic and science, that's another thing. Genetically speaking, if being gay is heritable, then it is a deleterious, fatal trait because it has ZERO fitness, a gay couple doesn't lead to offspring. Period. The survival is null, the population of gay people will eventually extinguish because the heritable trait isn't passed on. . .simple enough.

So until I see real evidence that there is a genetic predisposition for it, then I'm going to ASSUME it's a social phenomenom, which means I don't really think it can be recognized by the State or Country at the same level as a heterosexual couple is recognized. . .recognizing them under civil union is another thing, but it's really splitting hairs here. . .