Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
It's really sad that the world has come to this. Years ago the Bible was the authority, now it's the spit upon.

Yes, let's go back to the days of the Inquisition and Crusades, when the Bible and those representing it were THE authority on this planet. Things were so much better when a sizeable segment of Christianity was marching in lockstep, much like the SS throughout Poland during WWII...

Show me where I've spit upon the Bible, if you indeed are addressing anything I've brought up. Interpretations and differences of opinion on certain passages in the Good Book book does NOT a pagan or heretic make, especially if the core of the message of love, hope and peace is preserved and followed.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will change you and create in you a heart willing to change, rather than one bent on taking everything and twisting it to mean what you want it to.

And I sincerely hope and pray that the Holy Spirit would give you the insight and courage to not digest everything that organized religion shoves down your throat, and to keep in mind the CORE messages of the Bible when looking at certain passages and pieces of it. Studying the Bible from a historical perspective and looking into the politics of Christianity from the earliest of days and how religion, power, control and politics intermingled and still do to this day is an eye-opener beyond compare.

It's not easy as it takes time, effort and WILL cast doubt upon doubt towards your faith. It can make a more aware and stronger Christian, though, if one will let it.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:
It's a fantasy world your living in when you believe that everything that everybody does is their personal business and that it won't affect the City, State, Country, World as a whole. I hope you guys wake up before you are the ones running our country.

Last thought: When religion and it's teachings become a tool of condemnation and persecution, I've always believed it's time to CLOSELY examine not only the message itself but those that are delivering it. In other words (and to bastardize a famous quote), the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, so be careful what you base your foundations upon...

JaTo e-Tough Guy Missouri City, TX 99 Contour SVT #143/2760 00 Corvette Coupe