JaTo, I always enjoy our discussions, but I want to clarify something:

You are considering a "civil union" and a "marriage" to be equal as far as rights and benefits go, so when I read that, I only read a simple change of vernacular.

And actually, the only real difference that I can see between the two terms, is the religious observance. Being that a 'marriage' is what is "traditionally" observed by religion and a "civil union" is the same thing, just observed by the government.

So, being that there is a seperation of Church and State, and being that we don't want to discriminate against anyone, shouldn't the government label your union as a "Civil Union", rather than a marriage, no matter what sex you and your partner are and leave the term "marriage" for the churches and the common vernacular (because it's just easier to say -- what's the past tense of "civil union")

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