Originally posted by auiotour:
First off, I am anti-gay marriage. Here is why, short and simple. Who ever your god may be. Did he make us A-Sexual like wormds? I think not. If god wanted us to mate with the same sex, he would have made us a-sexual. But he didn't, because god doesn't believe in homosexuals. God forgives you for being gay. The human impulse is strong. Stronger then Gods word. Yes its hard to believe but its true. A human will do what feels right, and good. Doesn't matter what people say. People turn gay for many reasons. People aren't born, straight, nore gay. Its something that you are shapped into, by your family, friends, and different influences in your life. Something God, never expected, and couldn't have. Personally, I don't think its right, nore do I like to see it. I hate watching it in movies, seeing it on the streets, frankly even talking about it. It makes me sick. I have friends are gay, and the thought makes me sick, but they are still my friends, and they know how I feel, and they don't talk about it, nore have me meet their partnet. I don't need corruption in my life. The world is going to hell fast. I am only 20, and I can see that, so can everyone else. Gay marriages should not exist. They just shouldn't.

Once again for everyone saying gay marriage is wrong. let me say this ONE MORE TIME.

This isn't about religion. This isnt abotu what you or I believe is right or wrong in a sexual relationship. This is about basic human rights to persue happiness. Currently law does not allow homosexuals to pledge their undying devotion in a legally recogonized marriage.

They deserve that right. Let's give them what they deserve.

Not one person that has posted to this thread in objection to gay marriage has addressed this concept. They have pled morality, genetics, plain old disgust or wacko 3rd grade "GAYS ARE ICKYPOO". No one has addressed the core issue -


I really don't give a [censored] about what happened 5 years ago or 5000 years ago other than the fact that 200 years ago some guys said "hey, we have rights dammit and we are not going to let some king rule over us"

let's perfect their vision in ways they couldnt even begin to forsee.

2000 Contour SE Sport Originator of the Beowulf Headlight Mod and the Beowulf CAI