Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

GAYS are being, I hate this word being used here, but Gays are being discriminated against becuase they are living in SIN and so obvious a sin.

A sin in your little world. not to people who can make their own decisions.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

You can't take the religion, or the faith out, it's part of what made this country. Why are they being discriminated against? Because a female wasn't designed to love a female in a sexual union, nor a male love a male. It's pretty obvious to anyone that doesn't have their own head stuck up their own, well, you know.

Faith? Do you really know what faith is? Faith is the blind adherence to a belief because you do not have the strength to face the world on it's own term. Religion is a crutch, an escape and a rut where it is easier to let someone else, be it a priest, rabbi or Pope make your decisions for you. What this country is built upon was the idea that ordinary men were fit and capable of governing themselves by rule of law, not the whim of a so-called Divine Monarch.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

The point being? If you want to take God completely out, and use the term NATURE, NATURE has not found it possible for a male to mate with a male nor female with female? WHY? BECUASE GOD CREATED NATURE AND GOD CREATED MALE AND FEMALE and in His eyes, it was good. Satan twisted it, and Satan brought it to the point we are at now.

There is no god. There is no Satan. As many people there are that believe in your god, there have been many more times that number that live and die and are happy and complete without him.

Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

You want to know why they are discriminated against? For the same reason adulterers were 50 years ago, for the same reason porn was 50 years ago, for the same reason divorce was looked down upon 50 years ago, because people know it is wrong, but most, like most here, are afraid to stand up and say "THAT'S WRONG!" It's not about rights, it's about decency, and the future of our country.

The greatest indecencies that have ever occurred by the hands of men have been done in the name of one god or another. The Crusades. Islamic Jihads. Divine right of Kings. the human race is outgrowing the need for religion and the emotional baggage that goes along with it.

2000 Contour SE Sport Originator of the Beowulf Headlight Mod and the Beowulf CAI