Originally posted by JaTo:
I must respectfully disagree, as I've seen claims in a multitude of threads that homosexuality is responsible for falls of certain civilizations (historically and facutally innacurate) to it being compared with just about every malfeasance under the sun. I just don't see sexuality at a base level as a moral issue. The abuse of one's sexuality? Absolutely, since heterosexuals can be placed in the same boat as homosexuals there.

Actually, I've never stated that it was soley responsible for anything, like I've said in this LONG thread that it is actually just a part of the machine that leads to the downfall of a country.

And the abuse of ones sexuality didn't start recently. It's been abused since who knows when. It becomes a lot easier to abuse when birth control becomes huge. Interesting huh?


If only the sins of drunkeness, pride or laziness got as MUCH attention on the pulpit!!! These are far more dangerous and prevalent issues than homosexuality...

Wanna know something, I think they are. The only thing is though, is that homosexuality is something that "seems" a lot more dangerous, but they are all sins, regardless of anything said or not said in the pulpit. And does anybody say that those in the pulpit are perfect? Not me, they have their faults just like everybody else.


Condemning the act or lifestyle is no different than passing judgement on the person, IMHO; if you believe the act or lifestyle itself damns a person to eternal suffering or it holds a discriminatory status in society, the end result is the same. Call it passive condemnation, but it's condemnation nonetheless.

Well, I know you are wrong. I suppose by saying this you are saying that you don't judge anybody on any of their actions. So again I ask, do you not judge the murderer for their actions? How about the pedophile? Or the lazy person, or the prideful person? You do, and most of us go beyond that point and judge the persons heart, where that is God's job.

You could view it like when you are watching a child. We are to watch over them and let them know when they are doing something wrong so they can correct it and not repeat the action. Maybe I'm wrong, but under your assumptions above, I should never a tell a child that he is wrong in his actions, and just let him do what he wants. Well, chaos is not where I want my country, so I won't let that happen.

The same thing applies to us, if we see our fellow humans stumbling, we are to help them, correct their wrong actions. Their actions are the things we look at, not the heart. Judgment comes from God, and God alone.


50+ years ago Hitler got away with a lot in condemning a certain charateristic/aspect of a group of people, and not the actual people themselves...

My goodness, you can compare me to Hitler, a murderer, but I can't compare the sin of homosexuality to the sin of murder? Interesting huh?

And no, I'm not at all like Hitler. I'm not raising an army to destroy the homosexuals in this country, rather I am trying to keep marraige as God intended, between male and female. What they do behind the walls is their own issue and will be judged by only God in heaven.

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